Context API

Context API

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The Context API in React is a powerful tool for managing and sharing state throughout a component tree. It allows for easy and efficient communication between components without the need for props drilling.

Now we will read in depth about Context API....

To use the Context API, you first create a context object using the React.createContext() method. This object has a Provider component and a Consumer component. The Provider component is used to provide the state to its children components, while the Consumer component is used to access the state provided by the Provider.

In order to use the Context API, you need to wrap your root component in the Provider component and provide the state as a value prop. Then, any component that is a descendant of the Provider component can access the state via the Consumer component.

One of the key benefits of using the Context API is that it allows you to easily share state between components that are not directly connected in the component tree. This can greatly simplify the management of state in larger and more complex applications.

It's important to keep in mind that the context is a global state and it should be used with care, as it can make your application hard to reason about if it's not well-structured.

In summary, the Context API in React is a powerful tool for managing and sharing state throughout a component tree, allowing for easy communication between components without the need for props drilling. It can greatly simplify the management of state in larger and more complex applications but should be used with care.

Hope you will got the point that why we use context Api in React...

I hope I was able to clear this point...

Thanks for reading.