Storing values with operators (in short)

Storing Values with the Assignment Operator

In JavaScript, you can store a value in a variable with the assignment operator (=).

myVariable = 5;

This assigns the Number value 5 to myVariable.

If there are any calculations to the right of the = operator, those are performed before the value is assigned to the variable on the left of the operator.

var myVar;
myVar = 5;

First, this code creates a variable named myVar. Then, the code assigns 5 to myVar. Now, if myVar appears again in the code, the program will treat it as if it is 5.

Assign the value 7 to variable a.

Hope I was able to create this point to you, if you have still doubts related to this then please comment me I will try to reply as soon as possible...

Thanks for reading...!